Sunday, September 8, 2013

Things Don't Always Go According to Plan...

Summer has been great so far. Hanging out with friends, going to the beach, reading all the books I had planned to read for the summer...
Well, not all them...
You see, I had a small book list which included the books I wanted to read for the summer.(it's mentioned in my previous post) I did manage to read some of those books. I read Family Ties by Danielle Steel, the first 2 books of the Gone series, and I'm currently reading Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen! 
I didn't like Family Ties that much. To tell you the truth, I hated Danielle Steel's style of writing. I thought it was just so boring. The plot and characters were good though. However, I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna read another one of her books. That's why, on the same day I finished reading Family Ties, I canceled my order of 44 Charles Street. Thank goodness it didn't arrive on time!
As for  Sempre, the company I order books from told me that the book was out of print.
I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to be able to finish the whole Gone series this summer, but I can honestly say that I'm really enjoying it. The first book was average for me. But the second book, Hunger, blew me away! 
I'm currently also rereading the Vampire Academy series. I'm on Shadow Kiss now. But I've put it aside for a little while until I finish I couple of the books that I'm reading. Oh, and I'm so excited for the movie!!!! 
As for what I decided to study in college... Well, I decided not to go to law school. After sometime of thinking and debating, I realized that law isn't the thing for me. Instead, I decided to study English Literature!
That way, I can improve my style of writing, grammar and spelling level, and increase my vocabulary content. 
I'll be posting a review of Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen soon. 
Hope that everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of summer!